2015 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale

by · November 26, 2015


It’s that time of year again!  Time to start thinking about your holiday shopping, and we have a few sales going for you, whether you want to splurge for yourself, or buy some holiday gifts for your coworkers. From Friday through Monday, any of our digital magazine issues greater than 1 year old will be […]

Watch php[world] keynotes live

by · November 18, 2015


We’re live streaming the keynotes from php[world]. Head over to our YouTube channel to see the times and watch them.

November 2015 Issue: New Horizons

by · November 2, 2015


We’ve just published the November issue of php[architect] magazine. With the release of PHP7 scheduled for this month, we take a look into what new features the language has to offer. In this issue, you’ll learn about PHP 7 changes including errors that now are Exceptions and Scalar Type Hinting, writing clear PHP. We also […]

php[cruise] Website is Live

by · October 14, 2015


We’ve launched the website for our php[cruise] conference and are accepting reservations!  Come learn everything that you need to know about this unique event, and snag your tickets & cruise reservation now before prices go up at the end of the year!   See you in the Bahamas…

Encryption is Not So Easy

by · October 7, 2015


This morning, during my usual scan of Feedly/Twitter/Reddit I read Secure the data of visitors on your Drupal website better. The post shows you how to use the Field encryption module. The Field encryption module ensures that the values stored in the Drupal database are encrypted. When the database ends up in the wrong hands, […]

Now Available – Zend Framework 1 to 2 Migration Guide

by ·


Our newest book is now available: Zend Framework 1 to 2 Migation Guide by Bart McLeod. Zend Framework 1 has been around ages which means there are many legacy sites using it out there. If you’re tasked with maintaining one, or have inherited one, this guide will give you practical advice on how to update […]

Exporting Drupal Nodes with PHP and Drush

by · October 5, 2015


With Drupal, it’s possible to build very intricate solutions by gluing the right combination of contrib modules together. Of course, there is a downside to relying only on contrib modules, particularly for one-off or highly custom tasks. Bringing in a contrib module means you assume responsibility for feeding and caring for it. If it’s a […]

October 2015 Issue: Integrating Extensions

by · October 1, 2015


The October 2015 issue of php[architect] magazine is now available. This month we look at useful PHP extensions. This issue shows you how to use Solr search directly from PHP and put it to good use, explains how PHAR files work to bundle PHP applications in a single file, and provides a case study in […]

PHP is Worldwide

by · September 15, 2015


We often talk in the PHP community about the international nature of the community.  (At times we here at php[architect] even talk about the “World of PHP” when referring to our conference php[world], though then we are actually speaking about the community nature, not geography). But have you ever really stopped to imagine or visualize […]

September 2015 Issue: Security Boot Camp

by · September 1, 2015


We’ve just released the September 2015 issue of php[architect] magazine today. Our focus this month is all things security. In this issue, we have an overview of the various techniques that malicious users can use to attack your application, a deep dive into how passwords can be stored securely and how PHP’s built in password […]

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