Just 3 months until php[world] 2015

by · August 21, 2015


This year’s php[world] conference is shaping up to be one of our biggest and best conference experiences.  With experts from all the various communities within the PHP ecosphere it’s going to be a great time. Make sure that you don’t forget to get your ticket soon!  Being 3 months out it’s the best time to […]

August 2015 Issue of php[architect] : Data Manipulation

by · August 3, 2015


We’ve released our August 2015 edition of php[architect] magazine today and it’s all about Data Manipulation. Today, the containers that can store data for us are more varied and specialized. They include search indexes, NoSQL databases, and traditional relational databases. At its core, our day-to-day work is mostly unchanged: we take data from one system, […]

Swat Summer Bugs with Day Camp 4 Developers

by · July 13, 2015

Day Camp 4 Developers

I’m pleased to announce php[architect] is partnering with Day Camp 4 Developers to bring you “Debugging Beyond var_dump(),” a day-long series of talks from expert PHP devs on advanced debugging techniques and tools. PHP has been improving rapidly over the past few years, and the strategies and tools for debugging have improved with it. But […]

php[architect] for July 2015 : Road Trip

by · July 1, 2015


If we learned anything from Chevy Chase movies, its that nothing beats a good, old fashioned family road trip for seeing new sights, bonding with those closest to you, and stock piling stories and anecdotes to recount later. Join us this month in the latest edition of php[architect] magazine as we take our own virtual […]

Announcing php[cruise]… (Save the Date)

by · June 30, 2015


UPDATE:  We launched the website for php[cruise] here: https://cruise.phparch.com/ Well we’ve already actually announced it at php[tek] 2015, but it’s time to start sharing some information about it. Yes, we are going to revive php[cruise], and once again host a conference-cruise for the PHP community.  This 7 day cruise will take place from July 17-23, […]

Congratulations to our 100,000th order winner!

by · June 29, 2015


Over the past weekend we hit our 100,000th order.  As we celebrate this milestone, please join us in congratulating Gabriel Santos (@gmsantos__), the lucky winner of Archie, our own elePHPant.  Thanks to everyone for supporting php[architect]!

Training price drop! Make your learning go farther for less.

by · June 24, 2015


php[architect] is excited to announce that we have restructured our training program to offer the PHP community more affordable online training without compromising our high standards of expert trainers and quality, up-to-date material. This means, for example, that our PHP Essentials class price has dropped from $750 to $450 for 19 hours of training with […]

FREE ElePHPant to the 100,000th Order

by · June 17, 2015


We here at php[architect] want to celebrate a big milestone – the 100,000th order – by giving away one of our very own ‘Archie’ elePHPants.  The lucky person who makes order number 100,000 will be notified by email. We will also make the winner announcement here, so get your orders in soon as we are quickly […]

Training Day Offerings Published for php[world] 2015

by · June 11, 2015


We’ve just published our offerings for Training Day at our upcoming php[world] 2015 conference this fall. At the moment we are offering five great unique full day training experiences that you can enjoy (and more may be added later!) Currently we are offering: Web Security Training Chris Cornutt PHP in the Cloud Jeremy Lindblom Magento […]

June Issue on APIs, FREE download

by · June 2, 2015


That’s right—thanks to Nexmo, June’s issue on APIs is free of charge for the month! To download the free issue: If you already have a php[architect] account, then you already own it!  We’ve given it to you already for free.  Just log in and check your account page. If you are new to php[architect]—Welcome!  Just […]

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