PHP Foundations for Drupal 8 in-person training

by · October 30, 2014


Get ready for Drupal 8! Learn modern PHP best practices in our two-day, in-person course near Washington D.C. The Drupal community is embracing improvements and best practices from the wider PHP ecosystem. If you work with Drupal, you’ll want to be prepared. PHP Foundations for Drupal will guide you through modern practices for programming with […]

October 2014 php[architect] Magazine Released – Built With PHP

by · October 22, 2014


Depending on where you get your stats, the percentage of sites on the web that are built with or use PHP vary from 55% to 82%. That’s a pretty wide variance, but one thing you can’t deny is PHP is well represented on the web! Our October issue explores two apps that were built on PHP, […]

Partnering with BlackMesh for php[world] Conference

by · October 20, 2014


We are excited to announce that BlackMesh is the Conference Partner of our php[world] conference this November 10-14th in Washington D.C. This conference is focusing on bridging the gap between various communities to not only share experiences but to learn what the future holds for PHP as a language. The five-day conference will bring together […]

Why you MUST Upgrade to Drupal 7.32, now.

by · October 16, 2014


It’s time to update your Drupal sites! Oscar takes a look at the critical SQL Injection vulnerability found in the project to understand what went wrong.

PHP Swag Store Now Open

by · September 30, 2014


We just launched our brand new Swag Store where you can buy your own plush friend or other PHP branded gear for yourself.  Our options will be expanding in the near future, so look forward to seeing more T-shirts and other products appearing. We also want to hear from you!  Please and let us know […]

September 2014 php[architect] Magazine Released – Purchasing Power

by · September 23, 2014


Our September issue is now available. Whether selling products, billing for services, or collecting donations, at some point you’ve probably needed to find a way to get money from person A to person B. This issue covers Magento, Symfony, WordPress and more!

Iterators, ArrayAccess, & Countable – Oh My!

by · September 22, 2014


Last weekend, I gave a talk on SPL Iterators and Interfaces at MadisonPHP. Beth Tucker Long, our previous Editor in Chief, is one of the main organizers and showed how much she’s contributed to php[tek] (and the planning for php[world]) by putting on a truly excellent regional conference. It was great to see some of the other speakers I’d […]

Functional Programming in PHP Book Released

by · August 29, 2014


We are excited to announce the availability of our newest book:  Functional Programming in PHP by Simon Holywell.  PHP gained anonymous functions and closures in 5.3, which provided the basis allowing functional programming techniques to be used within PHP itself.  This book is designed to cover all aspects of Functional Programming in PHP and give […]

August php[architect] Magazine Released – Beyond PHP

by · August 22, 2014


In an increasingly multi-hat career environment, most PHP Devs are often asked to knock out some front end development from time-to-time. This is not as unusual as you may think. Having learned coding in the home-baked-what-the-hell-are-we-doing-dot-com 1.0 world, we were often expected to do everything from cradle to grave. While duties are a lot more (and rightfully […]

php[world] Conference: Five Amazing Keynotes…

by · August 20, 2014


We are excited to announce today the amazing keynote speakers that we have lined up for our php[world] conference this November. We’ve worked hard to find the best speakers and talks that cover the breadth of the PHP experience. We want php[world] to be a conference that pulls together all the different fragmented communities of […]

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