July 2014 php[architect] Magazine Released – Navigating the Business

by · July 21, 2014


The July issue is ready to download! In this issue, we focus on ways you can navigate the business side of working with PHP. Jordan Tway gives advice on how to sell yourself via a polished resume and interview skills. Benjamin Greenaway looks at the place of PHP in startups. In Education Station, Matthew Setter explores […]

Sending HTML Emails with Drupal 7, Webform, and Mandrill

by · July 18, 2014


Learn about the modules to install and configure to enable Drupal 7 to send HTML emails with Mandrill, a transactional email service. We’ll also show you how to change the default Webform email template to send submissions as HTML.

Envato: Future of WordPress

by · July 9, 2014


Natasha Postolovski over at the Envato blog has a thorough look at the future of WordPress.

June 2014 php[architect] Magazine Released – Under the Surface

by · June 23, 2014


The June issue is waiting for you! This month, we look at how PHP works under the surface.

Announcing php[world] – A New Conference

by · May 28, 2014


We are excited to bring you a brand new conference in the Washington, DC area.  Having run our php[tek] conference for many years now (and other conferences as well).  We felt it was time to start another one.  But this conference has a different mission behind it.  Our php[tek] conference is known as the definitive […]

May 2014 php[architect] Magazine Released – Making a Difference

by · May 19, 2014


Our May issue is now available. While it’s easy to focus on our own needs and tasks, in this issue, we look at how you Make a Difference and bank some karma too. Joe Devon introduces us to Global Accessibility Awareness Day and stresses the importance of building accessibility into our sites and apps. Erika […]

Read php[architect] via our iOS app.

by · May 13, 2014


Reading php[architect] magazine on your iPad or iPhone is now a whole lot easier with our iOS app. Now available in the App Store.

April 2014 php[architect] Magazine Released – Major Players

by · April 23, 2014


It’s spring, and (here in the U.S.) the Majors are starting up! In sports, we all have our favorites- the ones we love, and the ones we love to hate. In PHP, we have the similar players- Drupal, WordPress, and Yii Framework (to name a few). Love them or hate them, you can’t deny that […]

Security Update: Heartbleed Vulnerability

by · April 9, 2014


By now you have heard about the Heartbleed vulnerability that exists in recent versions of OpenSSL – the technology used to protect web and other network connections from prying eyes. You can read up on details of this vulnerability at http://heartbleed.com We at php[architect] consider our customer’s security of utmost importance. We’ve verified our systems to […]

Just 6 weeks until php[tek] 2014

by · April 8, 2014


If you were sitting on the fence about buying your tickets to php[tek] 2014 … it’s time to act!  There are only six weeks left until php[tek] starts. So much will be happening that you won’t want to miss.  It’s going to be the biggest PHP experience of the year! 48 Sessions 6 Tutorials 2 […]

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