December 2013 php[architect] Magazine Released

by · December 18, 2013


The last issue of 2013 is now available. Our December issue aims to give you some tips and tricks to make your development life easier: Need to harness the power of Git for your team? We have not one, but two articles with some awesome tricks to make collaboration and testing much easier. Need to […]

A Simplified World Cup Draw Generator

by · December 3, 2013


If you’re a football fan, like I am, your anticipation for next year’s World Cup in Brazil is growing. This Friday, we will know the groupings for the 32 teams that will participate in the finals. I put together the (simplified) simulator shown in the gist below. Using PHP’s shuffle() function and SPL iterators, we […]

Contrary to the Rumors, Print is Not Dead

by · November 18, 2013


As an avid php[architect] reader since 2005, I anticipated getting an issue in my mailbox. There’s a certain little thrill you get when a magazine you love appears in your mail. I had 4 years experiencing that thrill until October of 2009 when php|architect announced they were discontinuing print and carrying forward with “digital only”. […]

Switch Drupal Views Output in Code

by · November 1, 2013


I was working on a page that had a sidebar block showing a list of content with the same topic as the main page. In Drupal terms, the sidebar block shared the taxonomy term. It’s pretty easy to create such a block using Views by adding a contextual filter that gets its value from the […]

Returning to Print!

by · October 16, 2013


We are extremely excited today to announce that starting with the November 2013 issue, that php[architect] will once again be printed!

October 2013 php[architect] Magazine Released

by ·


The last of our digital-only magazines is now available.  Our October issue hopefully has just a few good scares in it for you!  Including topics such as: Automating Resource Concatenation, Optimization, and Caching Zend Server: Not Just a PHP Stack PHP and Varnish: Getting the Best from Your Web Servers Varnish and ESI (Edge Side […]

Social Contest: Getting Our Azure On

by · October 8, 2013


As those of you at ZendCon may already know, Microsoft’s Windows Azure division is running a contest via social media. They even have a spiffy app showing entries and winners. (Sadly, you have to be present to win.) What you may not know is that the back end for that app is a PHP application […]

php[architect] Magazine September 2013 – Tools of the Trade

by · September 19, 2013


September’s issue of php[architect] focuses on the tools of the trade in development. Ranging from Symfony on the cloud to Mercurial to turbo-charging your logs and finishing with templating engines, we’ve got you covered. Features: Stefan Koopmanschap Shows us how to “Build Your Own WeTransfer-clone in the Cloud” using Symfony, Composer, MopaBootstrapBundle and the HPCloud library. Jeremy Cook describes how […]

php[architect] Web Summit Series: WordPress

by · September 18, 2013


Our next webinar in our Web Summit Series is going to be all about WordPress. WordPress is the largest and fastest growing web application framework in existence. It’s measured to be running between 20-25% of the world’s websites. We’ve lined up a great set of sessions from speakers Jason Rhodes, Benji Regan, Aaron Jorbin, and including WordPress Lead Developer: Andrew […]

Introduction to PHP

by · September 11, 2013


Last night, Sandy and I presented a short introduction to PHP for DCWebWomen. Our presentation covered the growth of the language over the last decade and introduced the audience to basic language concepts like variable types, arrays, and control structures. The audience had excellent questions and feedback throughout the talk. We were pleased to share […]

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