php|architect March issue – APIs

by · April 2, 2013


We’ve focused the March issue on APIs. Including articles from Chris Tankersley, Keith Casey, and Jason McCreary about building good APIs and documenting them. We also have our regular Education Station, Bug Zapper, and (Re)Introducing Magento columns, and much more! Also of note, this is our first magazine produced completely in Markdown instead of our […]

php|architect February Issue – Community

by · February 28, 2013


No man or elePHPant is an island, and every developer needs someone to share a beverage with, from time to time. The PHP community is a friendly and welcoming resource, whether you need to fix that bug in your project, expand your skill set, or maybe even land your next job. Community is the focus […]

SugarCRM & PHP training available

by · February 20, 2013


We’ve posted the start of our spring training schedule for 2013 and are offering the following courses: Essential PHP, SugarCRM PHP Essentials, SugarCRM Developer Basics, SugarCRM Developer Advanced.

tek13 Schedule Announced

by · February 7, 2013

tek 13 - May 14-17

Preparations for our biggest annual conference, php[tek] 2013 are running full blast. We’ve just recently published the conference schedule and speaker list. Register by February 28th to enjoy Early Bird pricing specials!

php|architect January Issue – Standards and Testing

by · February 1, 2013

php|architect January 2013 - Standards and Testing

Like it or not, most of us (developers) started learning in a vacuum. We learned and developed habits that worked for us at the moment, but not all of these were things we are now proud to show off. How many of us facepalm when we see our code from 5 years ago? Heck- even […]

tek13 Early Bird

by · January 27, 2013

tek 13 - May 14-17

The tek13 call for papers has ended with a record number of submissions (over 400!) and we deep in the midst of coming up with a schedule.  We are hoping to have the schedule finalized within the next couple weeks! In the meantime, our Early Bird registration sale is running!  Sign up now and save […]


by · December 18, 2012


No time to waste. tek13 has been announced (May 14 – 17th, 2013) and the Call for Papers is open. The CfP will only be open until January 15th, though, so don’t delay, submit today! See, I even made it rhyme so you can remember it more easily. Now get to it. to acquire php|architect’s brand and products effective January 1st

by · December 17, 2012


This month marks php|architect’s tenth anniversary. I wish I could tell you that this milestone is the result of a well-reasoned long term strategy that we implemented over the years, but the reality is that it’s hard for me to overstate how proud I am of what we have achieved. When we first announced that […]

CodeWorks is Here Again!

by · August 1, 2012


It’s that glorious time of year when you can purchase your CodeWorks tickets for the Early Bird Special price! And just what is that price? Hold on to your hats, folks, this year’s Early Bird Special is a mere $25. And if that’s not cheap enough for you, buy two tickets (or more) and get […]

Introducing the php|architect Summer Sale!

by · June 12, 2012


Books, magazines, subscriptions, and a very special offer on our upcoming REST Summit.

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