ORMs and relational databases: powerful tools or dumb ideas?

by · July 22, 2010


Object-relational mappers are seen either as an abomination or as a life-saving tool. In the PHP world, they have appeared only in the last years.

PHPDOCX: generating Word documents from PHP

by · July 21, 2010


PHPDOCX is a PHP library that allows its client code to generate Microsoft Word documents in the .docx format from PHP scripts, or to output PDF and HTML from a given Word document.

Ext4Yii, bridging PHP and JavaScript frameworks together

by · July 15, 2010


Ext4Yii is one of the numerous solution to bring a JavaScript framework into a PHP one with ease.

Modsecurity: Why it matters to PHP

by · July 9, 2010


ModSecurity Handbook:The Complete Guide to the Popular Open Source Web Application Firewall by Ivan Ristic. What is ModSecurity in the first place? Why does it matter to you? What makes this book important to the practice of web application design?

Never Use $_GET Again

by · July 8, 2010


How many times have we heard about security issues in PHP applications stemming from unescaped GET and POST parameters? Proper escaping of input is a perennial problem with web development in general, and for whatever reason PHP seems to have had more than its fair share of bad publicity on this front.

Zend Db 2.0 Kicks Off

by · June 25, 2010

Red Onions by Darwin Bell (Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic)

Ralph Schindler has started the ball rolling on requirements for Zend Db for Zend Framework 2.0.  He announced on the ZF Contributors mailing list:   Requirements have been solicited from both community members in various conversations, as well as looking through the issue tracker for feature requests that have been on the backlog due to […]

Simplicity made complicated: character encoding

by · June 24, 2010

The dangers that lurk behind character encoding

What could be simpler than a string? And yet strings tend to get tied up and knotted, and give us a hell of a time… specially when in a hurry. They may seem sleek, clean and simple, but ugly hairy beasts hide in the shadows…

Open source life style

by · June 23, 2010


Participation in the open source community and projects can really give a boost to your career.

Bing Powered 404 for non-WordPress websites

by · June 17, 2010


Ok, after my last post on using the Bing Search Wrapper for handing 404 errors in WordPress I had several people tell me that while they liked the idea, they didn’t want to install WordPress just so they can have intelligent 404 errors. Several other people pinged me and suggested a way that you could […]

PHP: the teenage years

by · June 14, 2010


As PHP turns fifteen, Marco takes a look forward at what our past means.

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