How I learned to stop worrying and love the wizard – Part 3

by · June 14, 2010


In part 1, we discussed how to use the new Flash Builder 4 Data Connection Wizard to connect to a PHP API. We used FB4’s prototyping feature to build a simple class that allows us to read/write users from a WordPress user list. In part 2, we discussed how to use that data connection to […]

The state of PHP 5.3 support

by · June 9, 2010


If I want to use PHP 5.3 right now on my development box or server, which platform should I choose?

PHP tours Europe in fall

by · June 8, 2010

ElePHPant at the Barcelona conference

A good way to measure the health of any given thing is to measure its activity (except bridges… I tend to get nervous when bridges start moving on their own). In this sense, PHP is very much alive and the community is showing it off with two fantastic events this fall that will light up Europe in a frenzy knowledge exchange and PHP-related festivities!

Zend Framework 2.0 inches closer to completion

by · June 7, 2010


Many are eagerly anticipating the next major version of Zend Framework. Several announcements were made this week thats shed further light on the new release, with an appeal for developers to pitch in and help with the project.

Callbacks in ActionScript

by ·


What do you do when component A needs to update itself only after component B completes an asynchronous task. In Flex, it is pretty easy to solve this problem using a simple concept called Callbacks.

WordPress 404 Plugin built on Bing Wrapper

by · June 4, 2010


One of the things I’ve always hated about WordPress is the stock 404 error message. Out of the box, WordPress just tells users “I’m sorry, I can’t find what you are looking for.” Granted it is better than the stock Apache 404 page but it isn’t much more helpful. This post talks about a new WordPress plugin that utilizes the Bing Search Wrapper to display a more helpful 404 page.

Making Flex Builder PHP Friendly

by · May 31, 2010


Flash Builder 4 looks like a new IDE, but since it’s built on Eclipse, you get all the benefits and plugins. So why not use them?


by · May 27, 2010


Well the sessions are over, the goodbye’s said, and the projectors packed back away. Another PHP conference goes into the history books. Looking around the web, I am already beginning to see posts, pictures, and tweets from attendees talking about what they learned and showcasing new friendships. From the looks of it, everyone had a […]

Google's new microblogging tool has lots of security holes…on purpose

by · May 26, 2010


Google Labs, in cooperation with Google Code University, has released a new microblogging tool called Jarlsberg, and like its namesake cheese, it’s full of holes. Security holes. Google hopes you use Jarlsberg to learn best practices on how to make your own software more secure.

Learning to be Flexible

by · May 25, 2010


Last year in the thick of web2project development, we realized something obvious: The vast majority of people don’t need the full system, they just need a way to see their just their information in a useful way. Towards that goal, we started shopping around for options to simplify and an Adobe AIR app quickly became a leading candidate. Fast forward a few months and I finally had the time to try out Flash Builder 4.

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