phpDay 2010 international talks

by · May 20, 2010


Fabien Potencier and other international speakers made their talks at phpDay 2010, which are now available online.

Webcast: Making PHP faster on IIS

by · May 14, 2010


In this session Mark Brown and Ruslan Yakushev will talk about the work being done at Microsoft to increase the performance of PHP applications on Windows and IIS.

FTW! Contest Deadline is May 17th

by · May 13, 2010


The FTW! Competition (Canadian PHP on Windows Contest) deadline is May 17th 8am. If you have a PHP application running on Windows and IIS, submit your app to this competition today.

ORM Designer

by · May 12, 2010


ORM Designer is a tool for graphical creation and editing of Doctrine and Propel models and metadata.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the wizard – Part 2

by · May 11, 2010


In part 1 of this article, I showed you how to create a data service using the new Data Service Wizard. While the solution is not ideal for all situations, it is helpful to use when you have the PHP classes already built or use their Sample Class feature for fast prototyping. (Emphasis on the word prototype)

Flash Builder 4 training for PHP developers

by · May 10, 2010


Adobe is hosting a series of training classes for PHP developers looking to get into Flash Builder. If you want to learn more about Flash Builder 4 and Flex, click on inside and we’ll give you the details.

The 2010 CMS Expo Roundup

by ·


CMS Expo, held annually, is a conference that brings together representatives from prominent Open Source CMS systems along with domain experts and even some proprietary tool vendors.

PostgreSQL 9.0 beta released

by · May 5, 2010


PostgreSQL has roughly one-quarter of the market share of MySQL, and I’d guess that PHP projects favor MySQL even more. But PostgreSQL deserves some love from the PHP community too. PostgreSQL is open source with a simpler license that’s closer to PHP’s license. As RDBMS technology, PostgreSQL has always been more advanced than MySQL. Don’t you wish MySQL supported check constraints? Sequences? Recursive queries, common table expressions, and window functions?

phpDay 2010

by · May 4, 2010


Let’s take a look at the international speakers of 2010’s edition of the phpDay conference in Italy, and at the variety of covered topics.

Webcast: Caching for WordPress

by ·


Come listen as Brandon Savage talks about Caching for WordPress.

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