Webcast: Mongo Scale!

by · April 27, 2010


Kristina Chodorow talks about scaling MongoDB.

Using a framework? Why you should still learn OO and SQL

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If you’ve only ever used a framework to do data-driven or object-oriented programming, you might not know as much as you think. Read why it’s important to learn object-oriented programming and SQL…even if your framework does all the heavy lifting for you.

How I learned to stop worrying and start loving the wizard – Part 1

by · April 26, 2010


Adobe’s new Flash Builder 4 comes with a shiny new wizard-driven data access interface. How does it measure up to the “old-school” way of interfacing to remote APIs? Our own Cal Evans investigates.

Meet Kristina Chodorow

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Kristina Chodorow is the lead developer on the MongoDB project and a member of the php|architect blogger squad. Among other great posts, she wrote this year’s Ada Lovelace Day post for php|architect, “Technically Female“. Kristina will be presenting on MongDB at TEK·X on both the tutorial day and the regular conference. If you are looking […]

New SQL Server driver released

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Microsoft recently announced their new PDO driver for SQL Server. The goal is to make it easier for developers to support multiple databases with their applications and to make it easier for popular PHP applications to offer a SQL server option.

Meet Ed Finkler

by · April 23, 2010


This one is a bit longer than the other interviews in this series but if you know Ed, that doesn’t surprise you. Ed has been a player in the PHP community for as long as I’ve known him. First with Inspect and then with the award winning twitter client Spaz. (Which isn’t really PHP but […]

Introducing four new PHP 5.3 components and Goutte, a simple web scraper

by · April 22, 2010


To support Symfony 2’s development, Fabien Potencier, lead of Symfony, has release four PHP 5.3 components: BrowserKit, CssSelector, DomCrawler and Process. A new web scraper/crawler has also been released, which uses these components along with Zend Framework’s Date, Uri, Http, and Validate components.

Meet Matthew Turland

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Matthew is a veteran PHP programmer and a visible member of the PHP community.He has a new job, a new book and is speaking at TEK·X, life is good. Listen as we talk to Matthew about his session at TEK·X.

Friday Webcast "Care and feeding of remote developers"

by · April 21, 2010


Our very own Cal Evans takes centre stage at our ongoing TEK·X webcast series this Friday. Come join us!

ZendCon 2010 call for papers now open

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ZendCon 2010 may be a few months out, but it’s never too early to start thinking about submitting a proposal for a session. The ZendCon 2010 Call for Papers closes on May 6, 2010.

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