New version of MongoDB

by · March 30, 2010


Version 1.4.0 has been released to production, bringing with it new security features and many other enhancements to MongoDB.

AntidisestablishmentSQLism: an introduction to NoSQL

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Talking about the NoSQL movement is like talking about a “NoC++” movement: people not using C++ have very little else in common with each other. For instance, some people say that NoSQL is obviously all about ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, durable) vs. BASE (basically available, soft-state, easy). Other people say it’s all about scalability, whereas […]

PHP 5.3 namespaces for the rest of us

by · March 29, 2010


The introduction of namespaces in PHP 5.3 is bringing a new concept in the PHP world, and knowing how to leverage the new features is important for writing concise and readable code.

What's on your flash drive?

by · March 26, 2010


Seems that everyone has a few USB flash drives nowadays. The question is, what do you have on that flash drive? And what apps could you have, but maybe haven’t thought of putting on your drive?

Ten Top PHP people to follow on Twitter

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Twitter is a powerful medium, and following the right kind of people for your interests is crucial.

The Number One Developer Productivity Tool

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I talk with managers all the time from large companies to small 3-5 person shops. Regardless of the size of the team, all managers want one thing. They want to know how to make their developers more productive. In my many years off working in IT as both a developer and a manager, I have come to the realization that there is one tool you can give a developer, regardless of the language they work in, that will make them more productive. Warning managers, you won’t like the answer.

Technically Female

by · March 24, 2010


In honor of Ada Lovelace day, we have asked core MongoDB developer Kristina Chodorow to be our guest blogger today—and she came through in fine style.

Enjoy a free article from our March 2010 issue!

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This month: iPhone, mobile web and an exclusive review of Flash Builder 4—plus, a completely free article for you to download.

Podcast #2010-04: Technosailor Moon

by · March 23, 2010


It’s another fun-filled episode of our beloved podcast, and this week’s guest is noted WordPress expert Aaron Brazell, who talks communities, book writing and conferences with your humble hosts.

TEK·X Webcast "Mongo Scale!"

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This week’s TEK·X webcast – part of the webcast series sponsored by php|architect and Microsoft – will be on the topic of MongoDB. MongoDB is part of a new wave of persistent storage engines that make up the NoSQL movement. The most popular websites in the world are switching to or already use non-relational databases. […]

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