Impel, the Javascript ORM

by · March 23, 2010


Impel is an object-relational mapper for JavaScript. If the association of these two terms seems strange, bear with me (and with HTML5) for a moment.

Google releases skipfish

by · March 22, 2010


Google has released a web applications scanner that automatically outlines security issues.

Data-centric application development with Flash Builder 4

by ·


Adobe Flash Builder 4 offers up some changes over the formerly named Flex Builder 3, plus some quick and easy ways to develop data-centric applications that access PHP services, while barely writing any PHP at all.

Development principles

by · March 19, 2010


What are the most important principles in software development? An insight on the basic motifs of the current methodologies.

MySQL Community Server 5.1.45 announced

by · March 17, 2010


MySQL, the popular SQL database, has announced a new release of their Community Server edition. This is version 5.1.45.

PHP on IBM i servers

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Zend has announced via its CTO the availability of Zend Server and Zend Studio for the IBM i platform, enhancing PHP support on IBM servers.

oddWeek Episode #5

by · March 16, 2010


This week we talk with Blue Parabola Alumni Matthew Turland about the awesomeness that is Phergie.

It's Drizzling in the Clouds

by · March 15, 2010


Drizzle is poised to be the database of choice for the future of cloud computing.

Diem version 5.0.0 released, now stable

by · March 13, 2010


Since development of version 5.0 started Diem has been an open source initiative. The first stable version is now released.

Solar 1.0.0 Stable Released

by · March 12, 2010


Solar 1.0.0 Stable was released on Monday, and even Slashdot has noticed.

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