WordPress 2.9.2. fixes data leak vulnerability

by · February 15, 2010


The third release in the WordPress 2.9 series addresses a vulnerability that could cause deleted posts to become visible to users other than the original author.

Apache Ant updated to 1.8.0

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Apache Ant updated to 1.8.0, brings speedups along with other improvements.

jQuery disables UI Downloader and Theme Builder

by · February 12, 2010


jQuery recently disabled two of it’s popular features, UI Downloader and Theme Builder while it works through issues that users are having.

Zend Framework improves manual

by · February 11, 2010


Zend Framework released a maintenance release, 1.10.1. The big news with this release is not the 50 bugs squashed since the last release, it’s the effort to revamp the documentation.

New Classes! New Prices!

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php|architect is proud to continue it’s long tradition of high-quality web develoepr training with two new classes, WordPress Essentials and HTML/CSS for Developers.

XHP: Inline XML For PHP

by · February 10, 2010


Anyone developing with PHP quickly learns that PHP’s ability to generate HTML is both a blessing and a curse. While PHP supports the ability to generate dynamic websites and HTML, it often creates kludgy and difficult code. Facebook, one of the world’s largest consumers of PHP and fresh off their announcement of HipHop, has noted […]

Podcast #2010-02: Stalker Edition

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It’s another episode of the php|architect podcast! This week, we’re chatting with Ben Ramsey, who joined Cal and Marco at Facebook’s headquarters to hear about their new open-source technologies.

The topic: HipHop—Facebook’s new PHP-to-C++ compiler that promises up to 50% CPU savings over the traditional PHP runtime and has stirred up a debate across the entire community.

Announcing our support for Facebook's HipHop

by · February 2, 2010


Facebook’s HipHop is a game changing-technology for companies deploying large scale applications written in PHP.

Blue Parabola and php|architect are working on supporting HipHop with a series of new initiatives, ranging from content to consulting.

php|architect Podcast: oddWeek #002

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This week’s special guest is Chris Cornutt, co-organizer of the Dallas PHP User Group. Listen as we talk to Chris about the Dallas PHP user Group and user groups in general.

php|architect Podcast: oddWeek #001

by · January 18, 2010


OddWeeks Podcast Episode #1 with special guest Ed Finkler. Join us as we discuss PEAR, PearHub and PearFarm.

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