Opinion: Estimate != Sales Quote

by · July 2, 2009


Some software development projects fail because the parties involved confuse the Estimate with the Sales Quote. Asking “How long will this take?” is not the same as asking “How much will this cost?”

Is it Time to Stop Masking Passwords?

by · July 1, 2009


Usability expert Jakob Nielsen thinks so, and argues that masking passwords, while necessary in some cases, is a pointless burden on usability that offers no security advantages most of the time.

Sign up for CW09 Before July 6th, and Your Ticket Could be Free!

by · June 29, 2009


We’re so excited that the schedule for CodeWorks 09 is finally online that we have decided to come up with a great promotion: if you sign up for CW09 before July 6th, your ticket could be free—or you could win a “Master Subscription” to all of php|architect’s books and magazines! Read on for more info.

CodeWorks 09: The Schedule is Live!

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We’re proud to announce the schedule and locations for CodeWorks 09. On average, each location features almost thirty different talks from some of the best speakers in the PHP world—spread across two days of conference goodness, coming to a city near you between September 22nd and October 5th for an unbeatable price!

Confessions of a Hiring Manager: Get my attention, Get a Job

by · June 26, 2009


If you want to get a job, you have to get the attention of the person reading your résumé. Here are some tips from someone who has read more than his share of résumés on how to get that person’s attention.

Stop Telling People to Optimize, and Start Teaching Them to Program

by · June 25, 2009


We have all, at one point or other, made the mistake of asking a question like “does delimiting strings with single quotes yield better performance than using double quotes?”, only to be rebuffed by other people in the community who point out to us micro-optimization is often a pointless pursuit. This doesn’t stop the discussion from cropping up from time to time, though, especially when one of the world’s most sophisticated IT companies makes micro-optimization the subject of one of their official blog posts.

New From php|a: 5 Great PHP T-Shirts

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If you have ever been at one of our events, you know that we like to dress in style—and now, so can you! Introducing do|php, our brand new line of t-shirts for the PHP enthusiast. Choose from five different styles, show off to your friends and, for a limited time, save 20% plus get free shipping within Canada and the U.S.!

Don't Miss Tomorrow's Free Webcast

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Our CW09 Summer Webcast series kicks off officially tomorrow—and our first webcast is almost full. Grab your seat—in fact, while you’re at it, why not grab one for the entire series?

Opinion: The Real Profit of Moonlighting

by · June 23, 2009


Most developers moonlight. Some companies forbid the practice; others turn a blind eye to it. Forward thinking companies, however, encourage their developers to have some kind of side project. Which type of company do you work for?

php|architect Launches Summer Webcast Series

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Starting June 26—that’s this week!—Friday is free webcast day at php|architect again, as we kick off our CodeWorks 09 Free Summer Webcast Series with a bang. From Architecture to Zend Framework, we’ve invited some of the best-known experts in the world of PHP to speak about your favourite PHP topics.

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