Elasticsearch, Teaching PHP, Design Patterns, People, Joe Watkins, and more

by · July 29, 2021


Listen to Eric, John, and Oscar discuss the articles in the July 2021 issue, Deep Dive into Search. Topics Covered Using Elasticsearch in an application. Archery (for some reason). Password complexity and entropy. Why you should use a password manager. Eric’s interview with Joe Watkins about Bus Factors. Teaching and mentoring new developers. Rocky Linux, […]

Mentoring and Teaching PHP

by · July 15, 2021


By Ken Marks Hiring a new developer is a risky endeavor. What if they don’t work out? What if they get bored? What if our organization’s needs change? In this article, we’ll discuss what it takes to foster a learning environment for your tech team, why you should encourage learning, what it takes to be […]

Debugging, Automation, GitHub Actions, Bug Bounties, and API Security

by · July 7, 2021


Eric, John, and Oscar chat about the articles in the June 2021 issue, Debug, Rinse, Repeat. Topics Covered Debugging Git Hooks and Automation Make files GitHub Actions Bug Bounties Docker Swarm Longhorn PHP and in-person conferences. Approaches for Securing APIs Contributing to Open-Source

Interview with Joseph Maxwell

by · June 30, 2021


Eric and John talk to Joseph Maxwell, from Swiftotter, about ecommerce, debugging, and his article in the June 2021 issue, Debug, Rinse, Repeat. Topics Covered Debugging with purpose in web applications and under pressure. Coming from an ecommerce background. His podcast “Smash the Bug” and upcoming book “The Art of Ecommerce Debugging.” Understanding a bug […]

Debugging with Purpose

by · June 22, 2021


By Joseph Maxwell Debugging and solving problems is an art. It is part technique and part practice. In this article, I share a powerful technique that has helped me quickly solve many problems. This system gets my head out of a rut and pushes me to look at other solutions creatively. You will also learn […]

RoadRunner, Atoum, IDEs, Feature Tests, DIY API, Wizard Thinking

by · May 27, 2021


Eric, John, and Oscar try to review the May 2021 issue, Testing Assumptions. Topics Covered Fall Conferences, like Longhorn PHP (CfP is currently open). Debugging long-running applications using RoadRunner, ReactPHP, or Swoole. Does using an IDE make you a bad developer? Feature tests w/Behat PHP Internals interview w/Sara Golemon Building an API with off-the-shelf components […]

Fiendish Functions—Filtering Fact From Fiction

by · May 25, 2021


By Camilo Payan Functional programming is a paradigm that has gained in popularity recently with the rise of several new functional programming languages and integration of new features in existing languages. All the same, there are many concerns about functional programming in the developer community. Is functional programming useful for the PHP developer? Will it […]

Editor Bytes – May 2021

by ·


Get a look into the May 2021 issue, Testing Assumptions, with Editor-in-Chief Oscar Merida.

Streamlining Behat

by · May 24, 2021


By Oscar Merida Behat, and feature tests overall, are crucial for giving you confidence that when you refactor code, you don’t change how an application works and for helping you understand how an application behaves in practice. Investing in integration and functional tests is worth it in the long term, and in this article, we’ll […]

Interview #2 with Joe Ferguson

by · May 21, 2021


We welcome Joe Ferguson back to catch up with us about PHP, his column “The Workshop”, and more Topics Covered Virtual conference experiences. Looking forward to in-person events. Laravel Homestead, which Joe maintains. Uses and tradeoffs versus Docker. Docker Performance on Mac Local Development Environments Goals for his Workshop, eventually looking at Docker Swarm and […]

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