Interview with Mark Kelnar

by · May 3, 2021


This month, we chat with Mark Kelnar about his article in the April 2021 issue, Busy Worker Bees Topics Covered What he learned from beekeeping and using Agile techniques. Working at WPEngine with the LAMP stack. Working on headless/decoupled WordPress. Applying agile outside of software development projects. If/how agile has changed since its introduction. Getting […]

Security Corner: Basics of Password Hashing

by · May 2, 2021


By Eric Mann Every web application that allows users to authenticate needs to ensure their users’ credentials are afforded the best protection possible. Conventionally, this is done by storing only the hash of a password rather than the password itself. Luckily, password hashing in PHP is secure, safe, and remarkably straightforward to implement. Last month […]

Project Management, Tech Literacy, Password Hashing, Containers, and APIs.

by · April 28, 2021


Eric, John, and Oscar go through the articles in the April 2021 issue, Busy Worker Bees. Topics Discussed The rogue Git Commit in PHP’s repo. Following PHP internals. Working with clients. Bref and serverless computing. Refactoring applications to use cloud services like S3 Object Stores. Yoda Conditionals and writing readable code. Preparing for when disaster […]

Community Corner: Interview with Angie Byron, Part Two

by · April 26, 2021


Now on Drupal 9, the community isn’t slowing down. This month, we continue our interview with Angie Byron, a.k.a Webchick, a Drupal Core committer and product manager, Drupal Association Board Member, author, speaker, mentor, and Mom, and so much more. Currently, she works at Aquia for the Drupal acceleration team, where her primary role is […]

Serverless LAMP, Refactoring Legacy Code, and Functional Programming

by · April 8, 2021


Eric, John, and Oscar talk about the features and columns from the March 2021 issue, Lambda PHP Topics Covered Working the Serverless computing and PHP, and the costs potentially involved. Practical applications of functional programming and misconceptions around it versus object-oriented programming (OOP). John and Eric’s attempts at the puzzle for the month about generating hashtags. […]

About PHP’s Compromised Git Commit

by · April 1, 2021


PHP internals contributor Sara Golemon answers questions from a panel of php[architect] and PHP Ugly contributors about the recent git compromise that affected the PHP project and what they’re doing about it. You can also watch a video of the roundtable with Sara. More on This From Rasmus Lerdorf: It wasn't, but we caught it […]

Interview with Juciellen Cabrera

by · March 29, 2021


Eric and John get a chance to sit down and interview Juciellen Cabrera, on her article Refactoring—Does This Code Spark Joy? in the March 2021 issue. Topics Covered The joy of revisiting legacy code. How she started as a programmer via an internship. Moving from Brazil to Ireland via a local conference opportunity. Her involvement […]

Six Things I Learned as a Lead Developer

by · March 22, 2021


By Gabor “Mefi” Nadai Being a Lead Developer is a fun, engaging, and responsible adventure. Becoming one is not something that happens from one day to the next. It is something you grow into by raising your voice, taking action, and responsibility. I’ve learned many things working as a Lead Developer. Still, I’d like to […]

Editor Bytes – Lambda PHP

by ·


Oscar Merida, the Editor-in-Chief, looks at the March 2021 issue, Lambda PHP.

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