Mezzio framework, functional programming, software dependency security

by · February 25, 2021


Listen as the podcast crew got together to go through the February 2021 issue, Dealing with Data. Topics Covered Mezzio framework from Laminas (formerly Zend Framework) Functional programming and where to use it in PHP applications. Using CQRS and Event Sourcing to manage input and output data flows. How to approach the February PHP Puzzle […]

Interview with Michael Akopov

by · February 23, 2021


Join us for an interview with Michael Akopov, another returning guest to the podcast. Topics Covered Working with Laravel, Vapor, Forge, and Livewire. His new book, Beyond Laravel which offers an overview of the ecosystem around the framework. His six rules to keep in mind when building a business, product, or service. Using the community […]

Front-end frameworks, dev lead duties, subresource security, and more

by · January 25, 2021


Listen to Eric, John, and Oscar discuss the articles in the January 2021 issue, Newfangled Views. Topics Covered Front-end coding with Vue and React. Responsibilities when you’re a development lead Security of third-party resources Learning new skills and avoiding burnout. Mimicking AWS S3 with Minio  

Interview with Chris Tankersley

by · January 22, 2021


Eric and John talk to long-time contributor Chris Tankersley about contributing to the magazine and more. Topics Covered Getting started in programming and web development with PHP. Docker and using it across operating systems. Developing with PHP and the ecosystem around it. What kind of things he tries to cover in Education Station for self-taught […]

Interview with Vinícius Campitelli

by · December 22, 2020


Our crew interviews recent contributor Vinícius Campitelli about his articles and involvement with PHP. Topics Covered Applying SOLID principles and object calisthenics in practice. Getting into programming by scripting IRC chat bots. Working with PHP professionally. Transitioning into teaching programming. PHP User Groups in Brazil and speaking at conferences and meetups. Looking forward to the […]

PHP 8, Git Poductivity, and Resolutions

by · December 21, 2020


Listen to Eric, John, and Oscar discuss the articles in the December 2020 issue, PHP 8 Bits and Git Topics Covered OSMI 2020 Mental Health in Tech Survey. Features in PHP 8 we’re looking forward to using, like constructor property promotion and named arguments. Being more productive with Git, aliases, and hooks. Using the circuit […]

Editor Bytes – PHP 8 Bits and Git

by · December 10, 2020


Oscar Merida, the Editor-in-Chief, looks at the December 2020 issue, PHP 8 Bits and Git

Interview with Beth Tucker Long

by · December 8, 2020


Beth Tucker Long chats with Eric Van Johnson and John Congdon about taking over the finally{} column and more. Topics Covered How she got involved with PHP, going to conferences, and php[architect]. Her career as a trainer, editor, dev evangelist, and consultant. Attending and speaking at conferences when you have a young family. Why she […]

Type hints, SOLID programming, burn out, and more

by · November 23, 2020


Listen to Eric, John, and Oscar discuss the articles in the November 2020 issue, SOLID Foundations Topics Covered OSMI 2020 Mental Health in Tech Survey. Practical uses for scalar type hints in PHP. SOLID principles for programming. The peculiarities of floating point math and handling money calculations as a result. Using locks to prevent race […]

Editor Bytes – SOLID Foundations

by · November 17, 2020


Editor-in-chief Oscar Merida looks into the November 2020 issue, SOLID Foundations.

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