Asynchronous programming, testing, race conditions, mental health in tech, and more

by · October 28, 2020


Listen to Eric, John, and Oscar discuss the articles in the October 2020 issue, Running Parallel. Topics Covered OSMI 2020 Mental Health in Tech Survey. Asynchronous PHP with Swoole. Scaling and other use cases for serverless tasks, like file uploads. This month’s puzzle on cleaning up directions. Paying down technical debt with unit tests. Finding […]

Interview with Demin Yin on Swoole

by · October 27, 2020


Demin Yin, evangelist for Swoole, joins Eric Van Johnson and John Congdon to talk about the project and more. Topics Covered Writing event-driven, non-blocking PHP applications. Supporting for asynchronous programming and concurrent processes. Performance of Swoole for handling millions of requests. Taking advantage of extensions to add new features or improve performance. Integrations with PHP […]

Editor Bytes – Parallel Running

by · October 8, 2020


Editor-in-chief Oscar Merida looks into the October 2020 issue, Parallel Running.

Middleware, Serializing Objects,

by · September 30, 2020


This episode looks at the September 2020 issue, Under the Scope. Topics covered Using middleware, especially in legacy applications. Use cases for serializing PHP objects. Cleaning up directions and cleaning up data sets. Development tools you should have, like Mailhog and ngrok. Development environments with WSL and Docker. Using Mozilla Observatory to assess site security. […]

Interview with Terri Morgan

by · September 23, 2020


Eric and John chat with Terri Morgan about her article on project metrics in the September 2020 issue. Topics Covered Providing valid metrics for project managers. Establishing “where you want to go” as your project goal. Defining deliverables and when you’ll have them. Managing scope creep. Speaking and attending conferences. Being a polyglot programmer.

Editor Bytes – Under the Scope

by · September 10, 2020


Editor-in-chief Oscar Merida looks into the September 2020 issue, Under the Scope.

Document databases, MySQL, JSON-Schema validation, and PHP types

by · August 31, 2020


In this Episode Eric, John, and Oscar discuss the August 2020 issue, Data Discipline. Topics Covered Using SQL with non-relational databases. Data integrity with UUIDs and primary keys. Connecting and working to databases directly. Rolling dice with PHP Thinking about data types. Using Windows or Linux as your daily driver.

Interview with Dave Stokes on JSON-Schema, and MySQL

by · August 18, 2020


In this Episode Dave Stokes joins Eric Van Johnson and John Congdon to talk about MySQL and databases. The correct pronunciation(s) of MySQL. The impact of open-source software on their careers. Upcoming EOL support for MySQL 5.x and upgrading to MySQL 8. Working with JSON documents and the value of validating data early. When and […]

Editor Bytes – Data Discipline

by · August 12, 2020


Editor-in-chief Oscar Merida looks into the August 2020 issue, Data Discipline.

Test Driven Development, Event-Driven Design, and Concise Code

by · July 30, 2020


In this Episode Eric, John, and Oscar chat and review the July 2020 issue, Warp Driven Development Topics Covered Getting started with Test-Driven development and testing legacy code. Bears near Oscar’s house. What is Event-Driven Design? Making your presentations better – wether they’re conference talks or office meetings. Solutions for last month’s loot-drop problem. Should […]

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