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The php[podcast] 2024.11.7

This week on the php podcast, Eric and John discuss PHP Event Sourcing with Laravel Verbs, CascadiaPHP, PHPTek 2025, whats new in the latest magazine release, potentially moving the podcast to another server for hosting, and more…

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The php podcast streams the recording of this podcast live, typically every Thursday at 3PM PT. Come and join us, and subscribe to our Youtube Channel or Twitter.

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Air date November 7, 2024
Hosted by Eric Johnson, John Congdon

Responses and Pingbacks

Please can this be on Spotify, I always listen to PHPUgly on Spotify but the last episode displayed that it will sunsetted, please can we get this on spotify too?

Hey Oyekola –

Thanks for your comment. Yeah, PHPUgly was great, and it ran for a long time. It was probably past time to retire the show, but I just couldn’t let go. The php[podcast] is on Spotify. I guess I should add that link to the page as well. You can find it on Spotify at

Hope you continue to enjoy the show and thanks for reaching out.