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The Zen Of Mindful Programming

In this issue, Doug Dobrzynski helps us focus while programming with his article, Mindful Programming. While this article isn’t PHP specific, if you take time to digest what he’s talking about, I think you will find that all of us could benefit from using daily mindful techniques. In his article, Lessons Learned from Building a WebSocket Server, Torsten Dittmann shows us some of the considerations that had to be made when adding a real-time component to their API. And a bonus feature article from Ed Barnard will help us write better database interactions with Designing For MySQL Transaction Failures.

Our columns continue to offer great content as well. In our Security Corner, Eric Mann brings us Vulnerable and Outdated Components, which made me run and check my servers right away. Chris Tankersly talks about Why We Argue About PHP Upgrades and Changes in Education Station. Community Corner brings more information on some of this year’s turbulent transition of PHP Internals with The PHP Foundation. Joe Ferguson goes into The Workshop and shows us a possible way to speed up Laravel applications with Octane & RoadRunner. Ed Barnard also continues his Here Be Dragons column with Solution Space, where he wants to help us have fun in our craft of programming. Oscar Merida brings another excellent PHP Puzzle where we try to find our Break-Even Point. And finally{}, Beth Tucker-Long rounds out this issue with a follow-up to last month’s Roll With It titled Still Rolling.


Air date December 23, 2021
Hosted by Eric Van Johnson, John Congdon

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