Posts marked with “cloud computing”

Serverless File Uploading

by · October 5, 2020


The Internet as we know it is diverse, interactive, and personalized. Users of many resources strive to make their page or their channel unique. How can I do that? By uploading custom content. It can be virtually any file—an avatar, cover images, video, documents, you name it! Our task as professional developers is to ensure […]


The Workshop: Run Amazon Linux Locally

by · July 2, 2019


This month we focus on running Amazon Linux on your local development machine via Vagrant. While you could spin up resources in EC2 and go to town, maybe you’re not quite ready to jump into the deep end. Perhaps you want to test your application in a controlled environment to see how it performs on […]


Serverless PHP, Array Functions, and Data Structures with Chris Tankersley

by · June 17, 2019


Eric, John, and Oscar are back post-php[tek] to discuss the June 2019 issue.


Serverless PHP With Bref, Part Two

by · June 5, 2019


In part one of this series, I introduced serverless applications and looked at how Bref makes it easy to develop and deploy serverless PHP functions to AWS Lambda with a simple hello world function. Serverless functions don’t live in a vacuum and tend to integrate with other services, let’s turn our attention to what a […]


Serverless PHP With Bref, Part One

by · May 9, 2019


In recent years, a different way to build applications has arisen called serverless computing. This term is not a good name; I’m reminded of the adage that there are two hard problems in programming: naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors. Serverless computing as a name implies no servers, but there are servers—you don’t think about them though. A better way to think about it is that the servers and the management of them are abstracted away and the provider manages the allocation of resources, not the application architect.


Moving a Monolith to AWS

by · May 1, 2018


Cloud technology can give applications greater flexibility, but it can be more complicated to maintain, especially for a monolithic legacy application. However, with a few tweaks, even older codebases can run in the cloud. Let’s take a look at how an older application which needs to scale can benefit from running in the cloud.


Community Corner: What’s the Fuss About Serverless?

by · April 2, 2018


The new kid on the block is this “serverless” technology. But what’s the fuss about? This new concept seems intriguing if only for the name, and has perhaps even garnered skepticism because of the name. I’m sure you’ve heard the joke “there is no cloud, it’s just someone else’s computer” before, but serverless appears to […]


Safe at Speed – July 2017

by · July 10, 2017


In the July 2017 issue of the magazine: Google Cloud, Scalable Content Distribution, beyond jQuery, mental health, and more.


PHP in the Cloud – New Options for Application Hosting

by · February 7, 2011


Are you looking for an easier and more reliable way to host your PHP applications? Two exciting new options in the PHP hosting world promise to offer just that.


Google releases skipfish

by · March 22, 2010


Google has released a web applications scanner that automatically outlines security issues.