Posts marked with “laravel”

Artisinal: Authentication with Laravel

by · April 2, 2018


Authentication is the foundation of your application’s security. Authentication separates guests from users and restricts functionality in your application to authenticated users. We can also take authentication a step further and completely offload the grunt work to some other service such a GitHub, Google, or any other third party authentication service provider.


Long Running PHP – March 2018

by · March 1, 2018


PHP Daemons, Evolving PHP, containers, accessibility, Lumen, code reviews, signing git commits, running a user group, and more.


Illuminating Lumen

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Lumen is a microframework from the creator of Laravel advertised as “Decidedly Laravel. Delightfully Minimal.” If you are looking at taking your first dive into building an API or microservice, Lumen is a welcome starting point for those already familiar with Laravel.


Artisanal: Full-Text Searching with Scout

by · February 1, 2018


Laravel Scout is a package that makes adding full-text searching of your Eloquent models simple. We’re going to cover installing and configuring Laravel Scout and utilizing a community supported MySQL driver to test drive Scout.


Know Your Tools – February 2018

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Containers, Drupal + Symfony, Evaluating Tools, Onboarding, Application Encryption, Laravel Scout, and more


Episode 6: Setting Up to Succeed

by · January 24, 2018


Eric and John chat with Joe Ferguson about Laravel collections. They also discuss the January features on background processing with queues, securing your website, PHP Generators and more and more. Oscar looks at PHP support and RFCs coming in 2018.


Setting Up to Succeed – January 2018 issue

by · January 4, 2018


Worker Queues, Async with Generators, and PHP Sessions in Depth, Hiring PHP Devs, Laravel Collections, Security & Logging, and more.


Artisanal: Using Data Collections

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Every application you work on will have some way to deal with a data set and take the form of arrays. You may have a class which represents a data set with specific attributes and helper methods. Laravel is no different and takes the entire idea of a data set to the next level by using Collections.


Talking Code – December 2017

by · December 4, 2017


December 2017: Alexa skills, Chat bots, Machine Learning, Event Sourcing changes, PHP_CodeSniffer, PHP 7.2 w/libsodium and more.


Artisinal: Queue Monitoring

by · December 1, 2017


Laravel Horizon is a beautiful and code driven configured dashboard for your Redis queues. You can easily monitor throughput, job run times, as well as job failures. Horizon utilizes asynchronous process signals which means your project should be on PHP 7.1 or higher. You _are_ running PHP 7.1, right? Horizon keeps your worker configuration in one simple file, so it’s easy to share with your coworkers or teammates via version control.