Posts marked with “mysql”

MySQL Without The SQL—Oh My!

by · July 13, 2018


Could you be working on a project without a database administrator to set up relational tables, indexes, and schemas? Or are you tired of embedding ugly lines of SQL in your pristine PHP code? There is new hope for you.


MySQL Without The SQL—Oh My!

by · July 2, 2018


Do you work on projects where you begin coding before knowing what your data looks like? Or are you part of the vast majority of developers who have had little or no training in database theory, relational calculus, Structured Query Language, or sets? Could you be working on a project without a database administrator to […]


July 2016 – Harnessing Magic

by · July 1, 2016


The July 2016 issue of php[architect] magazine is ready to download! Some things just work like magic This month we look at regular expressions, cryptography, PHP references, and function programming to help you demystify how they work and add them to your arsenal of solutions. Also in this issue, we look at using the Mailchimp […]


June 2016 – Decoupled by Design

by · June 1, 2016


The June 2016 issue of php[architect] magazine is now available! Less tightly coupled code is easier to debug and re-use. This month we look at techniques to decouple different aspects of your code: including using asynchronous & distributed workers, transducers, middleware, and secure web services. Also in this issue, we have a library to use […]


December 2015 Issue: Winter Tooling

by · December 1, 2015


The December issue of php[architect] magazine is now available. This month’s issue packs a variety of tools for all your project needs. In this issue, you’ll learn how to Profile your applications to identify bottlenecks, see how the FigDice engine offers a novel approach to templates, why you should be using the MySQL native driver, […]


MySQL, PostgreSQL Release Milestones

by · September 20, 2010


MySQL and PostgreSQL make promising new releases.


Crystal Starting to Form

by · August 18, 2010


Martin Rusev is developing a new database query library for PHP 5. The project shows promise, but it has some distance to go before it competes with other available libraries.


MySQL Community Server 5.1.45 announced

by · March 17, 2010


MySQL, the popular SQL database, has announced a new release of their Community Server edition. This is version 5.1.45.


It's Drizzling in the Clouds

by · March 15, 2010


Drizzle is poised to be the database of choice for the future of cloud computing.


Query profiling

by · March 12, 2010


Open PHP MyProfiler could be the answer for your MySQL profiling needs.