Posts marked with “php”

It’s Really an Upgrade

by · September 12, 2021


We often consider improvements from what they’ll cost us, in time, effort, or money, in the short term and undervaluing the long-term benefits we’ll get. We cover practices that look daunting but are worthwhile in this issue, including PHP refactoring tools like Rector, Commands and Queries, PHP Unit, Strategic Domain-Driven Design, Livewire, and more.


PHP Puzzles: Animated Life

by · September 11, 2021


In this installment, we continue looking at Conway’s Game of Life and our exploration of cellular automata. Now that we can calculate how one cell in our grid changes from one generation to the next, we can extend that to see how an arbitrarily sized grid changes from one cell to the next.


Design Patterns by Moonlight: When There Be Dragons

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As our codebases become ever more complex, the cost of change rises as well. Any change or enhancement carries a risk of breaking something else. The problem is even more acute for people new to the project who’ve not yet learned the pitfalls waiting in that particular codebase. This month we’ll be examining the problem […]


Education Station: PHP is the Worst

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I have been programming for nearly twenty years at this point, and I have worked in various languages. At many of my previous jobs, as well as my current one, I have had the pleasure of working with PHP as the core language of my job. Since the first time I started working with PHP, […]


Design Patterns by Moonlight: How I Do Interfaces

by · August 14, 2021


How do the building blocks come together to form a whole? Most resources on Design Patterns look at each pattern in isolation, allowing you to focus on the pattern and its uses without being distracted by side issues. What’s missing, I have found, are examples of fitting those patterns into a working system. This month we’ll look at a feature involving […]


Education Station: Attributing Code

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One of the most requested features in PHP for a very long time was a concept known as Annotations. Annotations allow developers to add additional context and, most importantly, functionality to code without using a procedural approach. Many articles like to say it “adds metadata” to code, but I do not think that tells the whole story.


Mentoring and Teaching PHP

by · July 15, 2021


By Ken Marks Hiring a new developer is a risky endeavor. What if they don’t work out? What if they get bored? What if our organization’s needs change? In this article, we’ll discuss what it takes to foster a learning environment for your tech team, why you should encourage learning, what it takes to be […]


Sustainable PHP: Soylent Green

by · July 14, 2021


Like many programmers, I am not a “people” person, but this article is about people. First, how might you discern what “people” aspects of your project are essential? Here’s my approach. Second, how might people inspire you and help make what you do more fun? We’ll see my approach as we make the transition from abstract discussions back to concrete details.


PHP Puzzles: Cellular Life

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Encrypting and decrypting messages were an early computing application. Last month’s challenge was to implement and harden a cipher from antiquity. Let’s look at possible solutions before moving on to this month’s challenge.


Education Station: Decorating Your Code

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Programming languages are vastly different when it comes to syntax. Some may look so similar that they create an entire family of languages, just like real-world languages. PHP belongs to what is known as the C-style family, which constitutes languages that use curly brackets for flow control and ignore whitespace. Python does not belong to […]