Posts marked with “php”

The Cloud Couldn’t Be Easier

by · April 19, 2011


Zend has just announced their latest partnership with RightScale, a leader in cloud computing management, to provide you with a new Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. This is not just your typical PaaS, though, this will provide a “solution for deploying and managing business-critical PHP applications with high availability, elasticity and portability in the cloud.”


Mobile Development with PHP

by · April 11, 2011


Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 will soon be available (release is currently scheduled for early May) to the PHP development community. Version 4.5, though, is not just the latest version of Flash Builder, it is the beginning of a partnership between Zend and Adobe. Flash Builder 4.5 is under the Adobe umbrella, but will come with Zend Studio 8 bundled in and will have the full backing of Zend. You will now be able to create mobile applications using the Adobe Flash platform and PHP in one integrated application. Both Flash Builder and Zend Studio have been built on the Eclipse platform, so you will be able to build Flex and PHP side-by-side.


php|architect Announces the First Annual Impact Awards

by · March 31, 2011


In an industry where everything is built by volunteers, how can you say thank you enough. It’s not nearly enough but we want to give our subscribers a chance to recognize projects that have had an impact on their lives.


More powerful Validation from Respect

by · March 9, 2011


Dirty data: nobody likes it. It’s one of the biggest problems any web developer faces, where the input given by a user must validated before it can be accepted. Without this necessary step someone could wreck all sorts of havoc on your application, whether it’s just causes errors to appear or worst case opens security holes to allow malicious activity.


Creating RRD graphs in PHP

by · February 23, 2011


You may not be familiar with the term RRD graph, but if I show you one, you probably recognize them instantaneously. They are used to plot all kind of data against time in a very easy way which is why they are used a lot in all kind of applications. Even though many consider RRD as a library to create graphs, it is actually more than that: it’s a complete system to store aggregated data in a very efficient way.


Function Contest

by · February 17, 2011


Custom PHP functions can solve problems, save you time and now, they can even get you free stuff!


Check it out, tek 11 schedule is up!

by · February 14, 2011


tek11 abstracts and speaker bios are now on-line.


Aspect Oriented Software Development and PHP

by · January 10, 2011


Recently Matthew Weier O’Phinney, Supreme Allied Commander of Zend Framework, posted on his blog “Aspects, Filters, and Signals, Oh, My!” In it he references an article published in php|architect magazine. We dug the article up and give you a link to it for free.


Analysis: Following Ruby Makes PHP Number Two

by · September 23, 2010


Experiments that question our conventions can help us understand those conventions better.


PHP 5.3.3 and 5.2.14 are out

by · July 26, 2010


July 22 has seen the release of two new versions of PHP – the innovator 5.3.x and the previous 5.2.x. There are interesting news for both these new releases.