Posts marked with “php”

How I learned to stop worrying and start loving the wizard – Part 1

by · April 26, 2010


Adobe’s new Flash Builder 4 comes with a shiny new wizard-driven data access interface. How does it measure up to the “old-school” way of interfacing to remote APIs? Our own Cal Evans investigates.


New SQL Server driver released

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Microsoft recently announced their new PDO driver for SQL Server. The goal is to make it easier for developers to support multiple databases with their applications and to make it easier for popular PHP applications to offer a SQL server option.


ZendCon 2010 call for papers now open

by · April 21, 2010


ZendCon 2010 may be a few months out, but it’s never too early to start thinking about submitting a proposal for a session. The ZendCon 2010 Call for Papers closes on May 6, 2010.


Code Jam 2010 Open for Registration

by · April 19, 2010


Do you enjoy programming, puzzles and some friendly competition? If so, you may be interested in registering for this year’s Code Jam.


Zend launches user group affiliate program

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Zend has launched an affiliate program tailored specifically to PHP user groups. Giorgio Sironi takes a look at what the bargain consists, and what its intended targets think about it.


Oracle PHP Generator

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Is generating a PHP application to access a database a good development process?


Possible vulnerabilities found in PHP session IDs

by · April 9, 2010


A new advisory warns that a lack of entropy is making session hijacking easier, but only under certain circumstances. Core developer Ilia Alshanetsky gives us the straight dope.


Zend Framework 1.9.8 and 1.10.3 released

by · April 5, 2010


A potential security issue in the Dojo Toolkit has brought to the public two new releases of Zend Framework, along with 80 bugfixes for the PHP components.


PHP 5.3 namespaces for the rest of us

by · March 29, 2010


The introduction of namespaces in PHP 5.3 is bringing a new concept in the PHP world, and knowing how to leverage the new features is important for writing concise and readable code.


What's on your flash drive?

by · March 26, 2010


Seems that everyone has a few USB flash drives nowadays. The question is, what do you have on that flash drive? And what apps could you have, but maybe haven’t thought of putting on your drive?