Posts marked with “php”

Ten Top PHP people to follow on Twitter

by · March 26, 2010


Twitter is a powerful medium, and following the right kind of people for your interests is crucial.


PHP on IBM i servers

by · March 17, 2010


Zend has announced via its CTO the availability of Zend Server and Zend Studio for the IBM i platform, enhancing PHP support on IBM servers.


The Future Of PHP

by · March 12, 2010


There’s been a significant decision reached recently concerning the future of PHP, in particular for the development of PHP 6. Yesterday, the PHP Internals group reached what seems to be a tentative agreement to postpone implementation of a Unicode PHP engine, and instead focus on developing PHP 5.3 as the main PHP development branch.


Query profiling

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Open PHP MyProfiler could be the answer for your MySQL profiling needs.


Why TDD is based on testing first

by · March 11, 2010


Test-Driven Development is a test-first approach, and it could never be different. The advantages of test-first outweigh the time spent writing tests.


Contributing to Zend Framework

by · March 5, 2010


Contributing to your favorite open source PHP framework is a gift to the project’s community. Moreover, you will surely benefit from not having to patch it by yourself at every new release.


Month of PHP Security 2010

by · March 1, 2010


The Month of PHP Bugs was a unique event in the PHP landscape that fixed a large number of security issues. Now a call for papers has started for a new, larger initiative.


5 PHP frameworks you should check out

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Everyone is using frameworks these days, but which one is right for you?


Fat-Free, a new PHP framework

by · February 26, 2010


Fat-Free Framework is a new minimalistic yet very functional PHP framework. It supports PHP 5.3, and requires no additional extensions other than the core extentions shipped with PHP. It sets itself apart by trying to be usable, not the usual.


Habari now at 0.6.4

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The Habari Community has released version 0.6.4 of its PHP based open source blogging platform. This release centers mainly around security enhancements and workarounds for changes made to PHP itself.