Posts marked with “php”

Zend Framework 1.10.2, and a glimpse at 2.0

by · February 25, 2010


With the 1.10.2 maintenance release now available, the Zend Framework community is now turning its attention to the 2.0 release. Among the new features planned are namespaces, autoloaders and even a discussion on git vs. subversion.


5 meta-skills for the PHP developer

by · February 22, 2010


Being a PHP developer is so much more than writing PHP code. A PHP professional is part developer, part scientist, part salesperson and part garbage collector.

Here are five skills that, while not strictly about PHP, will make your chances of landing that PHP job much higher.


php|architect podcast: oddWeek #003

by · February 19, 2010


This week’s oddWeek podcast features our friend Nate Abele. We discuss Cake PHP, Lithium and the trials of starting open source projects.


Mullenweg:'s data “secure,” downtime was nework-related

by ·


Nothing to see here—quite literally—except a broken network router and 5.5 million page impressions gone the way of the dodo.


XHP: Inline XML For PHP

by · February 10, 2010


Anyone developing with PHP quickly learns that PHP’s ability to generate HTML is both a blessing and a curse. While PHP supports the ability to generate dynamic websites and HTML, it often creates kludgy and difficult code. Facebook, one of the world’s largest consumers of PHP and fresh off their announcement of HipHop, has noted […]


Announcing our support for Facebook's HipHop

by · February 2, 2010


Facebook’s HipHop is a game changing-technology for companies deploying large scale applications written in PHP.

Blue Parabola and php|architect are working on supporting HipHop with a series of new initiatives, ranging from content to consulting.


php|architect Podcast: 2009 in Revue

by · January 6, 2010


php|architect podcast Episode 2010-001. Sit with us as we look back at 2009 and what it meant to PHP.


Announcing the August 2009 issue of php|architect

by · August 28, 2009


This month’s issue will focus on non-relational Databases—learn this interesting alternative and distinct advantage of databases such as SimpleDB and CouchDB . We have articles on Regex, the Doctrine ORM, the architecture of Adminer, and much more.


Don't Miss Today's Webcast on date manipulation!

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Join us today at 1PM ET for a free webcast with php|architect’s Guide to Date and Time Programming author Derick Rethans and learn the ins and outs of time and date programming with your favourite language.


Welcome to Codeworks, Matthew Weier O'Phinney!

by · August 24, 2009


We are thrilled to announce that Matthew Weier O’Phinney will be joining us for CodeWorks! As the Zend Framework Project Lead, he brings his experience and expertise to the CW table. Matthew will be joining us for the second half of the conference (Atlanta, Miami, Washington and NYC.)