Posts marked with “php7”
Department of Breaking Changes: Launching PHP 7 in a Highly Available Web World
For many legacy code bases, upgrading to the latest version of PHP 7 presents an opportunity not just to use the latest syntax and features, but to address technical debt and streamline infrastructure. In this article, I’ll share how in moving to PHP 7, the Digital Media team at NPR prepared to make the move […]
PHP 7.3 is On Track
PHP 7.3 successfully passed the “feature freeze” deadline. On Aug. 1st, 2018 all features for PHP 7.3 were identified. This triggered the first PHP 7.3 beta, on the following day, and, from there, we’ll reach RC in September. It is time to review what this new PHP version has available for us, help test PHP 7.3, and get ready.